Friday, April 12, 2013


The modern uses and common diseases of the horses predispose them to conditions of pain and inflammation. Pain is the basic response to injured body tissues. Inflammation is the primary cellular response to an insult or injury from bacteria or other infectious organisms, or chemical and physical agents. Inflammation is a natural defense mechanism against tissue injury and usually leads to successful tissue healing. There are several categories of drugs that control pain and inflammation in horses. The demands of pleasure and competitive riding and racing result in many inflammatory conditions of the muscoskeletal system. The nature of the work that horses perform causes pain and strains. In some cases, this can cause even more serious injuries which lead to temporary or permanent disability.

Allivet carries several different medications that treat the pain and inflammation associated with injuries and
arthritis. We carry products such as Bute Paste and Banamine Paste which have an analgesic (pain relieving), anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (fever reducing) activity from inhibition of cyclooxygenase.  
We also carry Ketoprofen which comes in the form of an injectable (starting at $115.99 for a 50ml vial). Is is an NSAID which assists with the inflammation and pain. Our most popular product that we carry today is the Adequan I.M. (starting at $199.99) which has proven to be extremely effective on horse inflammation and pain. Adequan is “polysulfated glycosaminoglycan” which in short is known as PSGAG. The PSGAG binds to the cartilage components and many studies have shown this drug to be beneficial on damaged joints. It is thought to decrease enzymes, act as an anti-inflammatory agent and stimulate the normal production of hyaluronan and glycosaminoglycan which eases pain and supports joint movement and function. Save big on horse anti inflammatory medications. 100% product and money back guarantee.

Horse Antibiotics

Antibiotics belong to the class of drugs called antimicrobials, which also includes agents that can kill viruses, protozoa, and fungi. Antibiotics either directly kill bacteria or they inhibit their growth and multiplication. There are about 4 million bacteria sitting on 1 square inch of a horse’s skin.  The respiratory tract and digestive tract also are teeming with bacteria. Most bacteria are not harmful and will not invade healthy tissue. The bacteria that cause disease normally are crowded out by the huge numbers of harmless bacteria.

            Antibiotics for horses are indicated in two general situations. The first is if your horse is directly infected by a disease-causing bacterium (such as a strangles infection that gets into the bloodstream). The other is if the protective barrier of skin, intestinal lining, or the respiratory tract has been damaged, allowing normally harmless bacteria to get in. Examples of this would be an infected wound or a bacterial pneumonia that develops after a viral infection. 

Allivet offers many different types of antibiotics treating respiratory, urinary, skin, uterus, gastrointestinal infections and more. Among these products are SMZ SulfaTrimethoprim Liquid, Tucoprim Powder, Ketoconazole, Cephalexin, Amoxicillin and  Doxycycline. Allivet carries horse antibiotics at the best price. Your order ships quickly to your house. 

Equine Cushing's Disease

Cushing's disease is caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland, which is the small gland at the base of the brain which regulates the rest of the horse's endocrine systems. Horses with Cushing's disease can be easily recognized by their coarse, wavy coat that often fails to shed out in the summer. Other symptoms are excessive thirst, combined with excessive urination. A normal horse will drink in the region of 5 - 8 gallons per day, whereas a horse suffering from Cushing's disease will drink as much as 20 gallons per day. Affected horses often have a pot-bellied appearance, combined with a loss of muscle on the top line. In addition, horses with Cushing's disease are often more susceptible to other diseases because their immune system has been compromised. The good news is that once Cushing’s disease has been diagnosed, treatment is simple, if long term, and in many cases allowing the horse to return to normal health.

Prascend is the first and only medicine available in the US that is fully approved by the FDA to treat Cushing's disease in horses. As part of the FDA approval process, Prascend was rigorously tested to prove its safety and effectiveness in reducing signs of Cushing’s disease in horses. Allivet  carries Prascend medication for cushing's disease at the best cost.

Horse Respiratory Disease

Horses can develop allergies to environmental contaminants that can lead to asthma-like symptoms. When some horses are exposed to dust and molds, they develop allergies. Why some horses do and others do not develop allergies is unknown.

There is some evidence that this disease may be genetic. Horses born to effected parents are three times more likely to develop RAO than horses born to non-affected parents. Respiratory allergies are the second most common reason why horses have to drop out of competition, behind only musculoskeletal problems such as leg injuries. 

Medication used depends on what type of allergic respiratory disease the horse has developed.  Your vet may recommend an antihistamine like Anihist or Hydroxyzine which are both oral Antihistamine/Expectorants. Speak with your veterinarian regarding the course of treatment for equine respiratory disease.